Sunday, March 6, 2011


The number one reason people Facebook, is to get attention. They post pictures, comments, or statuses.. to either get a reaction out of someone, or make whatever is fun and cool in their lives, seem even funner and cooler. "CRAZY NIGHT WITH MY BFF.. SO MUCH FUN!!"was once a post I observed, later to find out her and her "bff"  sat at home and watched the Notebook. hmm.. crazy. Last year, a picture was posted of me glaring at a girl that got 47 comments none of which were mine or the girl in the picture. It was strictly posted to get a reaction from people who like to involve themselves in others lives. 
Facebook creates soo much unnecessary drama, and comes with so many miscommunications. You can't hear a persons tone by just looking at there comment, so many people get offended by things they shouldn't. Jokes are taken seriously, small things are blown out of proportion, and many people say things way out of character that they would only feel comfortable saying hiding behind a screen. I've had many instant messaging conversations with people saying rude and hurtful comments that they never would have said to my face. 
Besides being a place to be someone your not, and up your cool.. Facebook is a sad, sad addiction. 
I know this because I was once addicted. 
Spending many many "homework hours" looking at  my friends, enemies, and even people I don't know.. I would come away feeling and talking about these people like I knew everything about them.
Facebook. is. bad. news.


  1. I like your point of view on this. I love how you admit you once had a problem and how this made you feel! the first step is admitting it. WAY TO BE!

  2. Great post. Some people are blind to things. Best to state it clearly. Make people realize things. Congrats on realizing and doing something about it.

  3. I do find, that most people are on facebook for attention but other than that it is also a way to find a connection with old friends. This was a great post... you have a point of view that a lot of people have but I don't have it so I thought this was very interesting.

  4. Kinda weird... cuz I wrote this almost exact thing last night at 3 in the morning. (I thought our journals were due today) Although I think you said it better.

  5. why do people need so much attention?
