Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Open Mic

(I wish)

I wish I would of known that the only place to find happiness is within your self.
I wish I would of known that when you gossip and lie and act like someone your not, you forget who you really are.
I wish I never would of lied to the people I love.
I wish I would of forgiven more freely.
I wish I wouldn’t of gotten jealous.
I wish I would of never snuck out of my house.
I wish I would of listened in Sunday school when teachers told me to surround myself with good people.
I wish I would of believed my parents.

I wish someone would of told me that dating beautiful boys, with hot jeans, good hair, and high social status.. isn’t the way to live your fairy tale.
I wish Taylor Swift and Cinderella Story didn’t exist so I never even would of believed in fairy tales.
I wish someone would of told 60 percent of the girls I know, that acting ditzy, slutty, and stupid isn’t cute, or the way to get the attention you’re seeking.
I wish someone would have told me that high school boys don’t care about who you are, they care about what you’ll do.
I wish someone would of told me to not waste anytime impressing people.
That fitting in is overrated, and that standing out is what makes you cool.
That the most put together people on the outside are the most messed up on the inside.
That trying to fit in is impossible and trying to keep up with the gossip is exhausting and ruins your reputation.
I wish someone would of told me that my friends were going to change.
I wish someone would of told me to get a job
I wish someone would of told me that my mom was going to be the one person who always understood and loved me no matter what, and to not ever talk back to or disrespect her.
 I wish someone would have told me, that even though my mom is amazing, I wasn’t expected to be just like her.
I wish someone would of told me that people were going to betray me and talk bad about me behind my back.
I wish someone would of warned me about drinking and drugs.
I wish someone would of told me that some of the people I cared about were going to get very involved in them
I wish I would of known to stay away from those 5 people.
I wish someone would have told me to make build more best friendships instead of a billion acquaintances.
And that who my best friend was, was going to change a lot.
I wish someone would of told me life goes on after a broken heart
I wish I would have known everyone felt the same way as me sophomore year… lonely and insecure.
I wish someone would have told me to work harder at dance and practice the piano.
I wish someone would of told me to save my money when I was younger.
I wish someone would of told me that cheer wasn’t life, or who I was.
I wish someone would of told me to burry myself in books, and spend more time studying, and that the people who are “nerdy” and always go to class end up successful and happy.
I wish someone would have told me to take more AP classes
I wish someone would have told me not to judge people, or hold grudges, all it did was make me miserable.
I wish someone would of told me the social scene isn’t that great, and to be with exactly who I wanted every weekend, and do whatever I wanted, even if that was stay at home and sleep.
I wish someone would of told me that growing up is real, that my metabolism was going to slow down, that my limbs were gonna start aching at freaking age 16, that seminary was important and make ups completely suck.
That going to attendance school isn’t fun.. at all.

I wish someone would of told me that id be leaving high school with so many regrets.

And a lot of times, I wish I could just start over. 

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