Sunday, January 30, 2011


Hi, my name is Alice Rossi and I like to write. The fact that I am writing using that name, a name that is really not my own, sounds ironic when I think about the reason I write. I like to write, so I can be myself. Writing is it's own little world. In the real world I feel so much pressure to be something I'm not. So much pressure to lie, deceive, gossip, and waste my time pleasing people that when I sit down and think about, I don't even like! Its exhausting..and when I'm tired and worn out of all the fake, I can write, and be real. 

I like to smile:) I like to smile at people.. and I like pretty much everyone that smiles back. Not the fake smile though not the courtesy wave, and the toothless smile.. that's what I call the chewy smile. That silly, ugly, I'm-too-afraid-of-what-everyone-else-thinks-of-me-to-smile-at-a-complete-stranger smile. That same smile I get after someone just said something mean to me and walks off with their friends congratulating them. The smile I get from her.. when she thinks I just believed her stupid lie. The smile they all do when they just did something better then me. Those smiles are all just so... chewy. 
I don't give chewy smiles. If there's one thing about me thats real in both worlds, It's my smile:)

I have zero patience.
My moods change quicker then the minute hand on the clock.
I'm frustrated by rules and everything I'm not aloud to do.
I've gone through A LOT of "best friends".
I would compare high school to seafood, I hate seafood.
Seafood is probably the only thing i won't devour.
I've changed a lot.
I love...
 ring pops
 The 4th of July
country music

 and the color green.


  1. I really like how you are not afraid to tell us what you like here! it is awesome!!! especialy since i like alot of the same things too! so yeah! it really shows your personality!

  2. I love what you said about smiling. I totally agree people should never give a half smile or a "chewy" smile like you call it. If your gonna smile then really smile! :)

  3. i like how totally honest you are. because of You i'm going to stop giving people those chewy smiles because i hate them too.

  4. I don't have much patience either... especially when it comes to cats!
